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Christopoulos VN, Kagan I, Andersen RA (2018). Lateral intraparietal area (LIP) is largely effector-specific in free-choice decisions. Scientific Reports 8, 8611

Dal Pesco, F, Fischer J (2018). Greetings in male Guinea baboons and the function of rituals in complex social groups. Journal of Human Evolution 125, 87-98

De Petrillo F, Di Vincenzo F, Di Paolo LD (2018). An Evolutionary Perspective on Primate Social Cognition. In: DiPaolo LD, Di Vincenzo F, DE Petrillo F (Eds): Evolution of Primate Social Cognition. Springer, pp. 1-10

Di Paolo LD, Di Vincenzo F (2018). Emulation, (Over)imitation and Social Creation of Cultural Information. In: DiPaolo LD, Di Vincenzo F, DE Petrillo F (Eds): Evolution of Primate Social Cognition. Springer, pp. 267-282

DiPaolo LD, Di Vincenzo F, DE Petrillo F (Eds) (2018). Evolution of Primate Social Cognition. Springer, 326 pp. 

Eckert J, Call J, Hermes J, Herrmann E, Rakoczy H (2018). Intuitive statistical inferences in chimpanzees follow Weber's law. Cognition 180, 99-107

Eckert J, Rakoczy H, Call J, Herrmann E, Hanus D (2018). Chimpanzees Consider Humans' Psychological States when Drawing Statistical Inferences. Current Biology 28(12), 1959-1963.e3

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Esghaei M, Daliri MR, Treue S (2018). Attention decouples action potentials from the phase of local field potentials in macaque visual cortical area MT. BMC Biology 16(1), 86

Goffe AS, Fischer J, Sennhenn-Reulen H (2018). Bayesian inference and simulation approaches improve the assessment of Elo-ratings in the analysis of social behaviour. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9(10), 2131-2144

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Gutleb D, Roos C, Noll A, Ostner J, Schülke O (2018). COMT Val158Met moderates the link between rank and aggression in a non-human primate. Genes, Brain and Behavior 17(4), e12443

Hammerschmidt, W, Kagan I, Kulke L, Schacht A (2018). Implicit reward associations impact face processing: Time-resolved evidence from event-related potentials and pupil dilations. Neuroimage 179, 557-569; BioArXiv: doi:10.1101/232538

Hammerschmidt W, Kulke L, Broering C, Schacht A (2018). Money or smiles: Independent ERP effects of associated monetary reward and happy facesPLoS One 13(10), e0206142

Henke-von der Malsburg J, Fichtel C (2018). Are generalists more innovative than specialists? A comparison of innovative abilities in two wild sympatric mouse lemur species. Royal Society Open Science 5, 180480

Hermes J, Behne T, Bich AE, Thielert C, Rakoczy H (2018). Children's selective trust decisions - rational competence and limiting performance factors. Developmental Science 21, e12527

Hermes J, Behne T, Rakoczy H (2018). The Development of Selective Trust: Prospects for a Dual-Process Account. Child Development Perspectives 12(2), 134-138

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Huebner F, Fichtel C, Kappeler PM (2018). Linking cognition with fitness in a wild primate: Fitness correlates of problem-solving performance and spatial learning ability. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 373, 20170295

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Keupp S, Barbarroja N, Topolinski S, Fischer J (2018). Are monkeys intuitive Aristotelians? Associations between target size and vertical target position in long-tailed macaques. Royal Society Open Science 5, 170889

Keupp S, Behne T, Rakoczy H (2018). The Rationality of (Over)imitation. Perspectives on Psychological Science 13(6), 678-687

Kordsmeyer T, Hunt J, Puts D, Ostner J, Penke L (2018). The relative importance of intra- and intersexual selection on human male sexually dimorphic traits. Evolution of Human Behavior 39, 424-436

Kulke L, Reiß M, Krist H, Rakoczy H (2018). How robust are anticipatory looking measures of Theory of Mind? Replication attempts across the life span. Cognitive Development 46, 97-111

Kulke L, von Duhn B, Schneider D, Rakoczy H (2018). Is Implicit Theory of Mind a Real and Robust Phenomenon? Results From a Systematic Replication Study. Psychological Science 29(6), 888-900

Lange-Malecki B, Treue S, Rothenberger A, Albrecht B (2018). Cognitive Control Over Visual Motion Processing - Are Children with ADHD Especially Compromised? A Pilot Study of Flanker Task Event-Related Potentials. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12, 491

Lausen A, Schacht A (2018). Gender differences in the recognition of vocal emotions. Frontiers in Psychology 9, 882

Leckelt M, Wetzel E, Gerlach TM, Ackerman RA, Miller JD, Chopik WJ, Penke L, Geukes K, Küfner CP, Hutteman R, Richter R, Renner KH, Allroggen M, Brecheen C, Campbell WK, Grossmann I, Back MD (2018). Validation of the Narcissistic Admiration and Rivalry Questionnaire short scale (NARQ-S) in convenience and representative samples. Psychological Assessment 30(1), 86-96

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Ostner J, Schülke O (2018). Linking sociality to fitness in primates – a call for mechanisms. Advances in the Study of Behavior 50, 127-175.

Parto Dezfouli M, Khamechian MB, Treue S, Esghaei M, Daliri MR (2018). Neural Activity Predicts Reaction in Primates Long Before a Behavioral Response. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 12, 207

Pfefferle D, Plümer S, Burchardt L, Treue S, Gail A (2018). Assessment of stress responses in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to daily routine procedures in system neuroscience based on salivary cortisol concentrations. PLoS One 13(1), e0190190

Placì S, Eckert J, Rakoczy H, Fischer J (2018). Long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) can use simple heuristics but fail at drawing statistical inferences from populations to samples. Royal Society Open Science 5, 181025

Puga-Gonzalez I, Ostner J, Schülke O, Sosa S, Thierry B, Sueur C (2018). Mechanisms of reciprocity and diversity in social networks: a modelling and comparative approach. Behavioral Ecology 29(3), 745-760

Schacht A, Vrticka P (2018). Spatio-temporal pattern of appraising social and emotional relevance: Evidence from event-related brain potentials. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 18(6), 1172-1187

Schultze T, Gerlach TM, Rittich JC (2018). Some people heed advice less than others: agency (but not communion) predicts advice taking. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 31(3), 430-445

Schweisfurth M, Frahm J, Farina D, Schweizer R (2018). Comparison of fMRI digit representation of the dominant an non-dominant hand in the human primary somatosensory cortex. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12, 492

Tramacere A, Ferrari PF, Gentilucci M, Giufrida V, De Marco D (2018). The Emotional Modulation of Facial Mimicry: A Kinematic Study. Frontiers in Psychology 8, 2339

Tramacere A, Moore R (2018). Reconsidering the role of manual imitation in language evolution. Topoi 37(2), 319-328

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Unakafov AM, Möller S, Kagan I, Gail A, Treue S, Wolf F (2018). Using imaging photoplethysmography for heart rate estimation in non-human primates. PLoS One 13(8), e0202581

Wieczorek L, Tata C, Penke L, Gerlach TM (2018). Online Implementation of an Event History Calendar with formr: A Tutorial. PsyArXiv, doi: 10.31234/osf.io/h8cs9

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Yao T, Treue S, Krishna S (2018). Saccade-synchronized rapid attention shifts in macaque visual cortical area MT. Nature Communications 9, 958



Almeling L, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Hammerschmidt K, Freund AM, Fischer J (2017). Social interactions and activity patterns of old Barbary macaques: Further insights into the foundations of social selectivity. American Journal of Primatology 79, e22711

Arslan RC, von Borell CJ, Ostner J, Penke L (2017). Negative results are needed to show the specific value of a cultural explanation for g: A commentary on Burkart et al. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40, e198

Arslan RC, Willführ KP, Frans EM, Verweij KJH, Bürkner P-C, Myrskylä M, Voland E, Almqvist C, Zeitsch BP, Penke L (2017). Older fathers' children have lower evolutionary fitness across four centuries and in four populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 284, 20171562

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Berghänel A, Heistermann M, Schülke O, Ostner J (2017). Prenatal stress accelerates offspring growth to compensate for reduced maternal investment across mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 114(50), E10658-E10666

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Esghaei M, Daliri MR, Treue S (2017). Local field potentials are induced by visually evoked spiking activity in macaque cortical area MT. Scientific Reports 7, 17110

Fink B, Butovskaya M, Sorokowski P, Sorokowski A, Matts PJ (2017). Visual Perception of British Women's Skin Color Distribution in Two Nonindustrialized Societies, the Maasai and the Tsimane'. Evolutionary Psychology 15(3), 1474704917718957

Fink B, Wübker M, Ostner J, Butovskaya M, Mezentseva A, Muñoz-Reyes JA, Sela Y, Shackelford TK (2017). Cross-cultural investigation of male gate perception in relation to physical strength and speed. Frontiers in Psychology 8, 1427

Fischer J (2017). On the social life and motivational changes of aging monkeys. Gerontology 63(3), 572-579

Fischer J (2017). The fish is wearing trousers: Taking issue with the theory of affective pragmatics. Psychological Inquiry 28(2-3), 194-196

Fischer J, Farnworth MS, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Hammerschmidt K (2017). Quantifying social complexity. Animal Behaviour 130, 57-66

Fischer J, Kopp GH, Dal Pesco F, Goffe AS, Hammerschmidt K, Kalbitzer U, Klapproth M, Maciej P, Ndao I, Patzelt A, Zinner D (2017). Charting the neglected West: the social system of Guinea baboons. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 162, 15-31

Fischer J, Price T (2017). Meaning, intention, and inference in primate vocal communication. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 82, 22-31

Fischer J, Wadewitz P, Hammerschmidt K (2017). Structural variability and communicative complexity in acoustic communication. Animal Behaviour 134, 229-237

Hammerschmidt W, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Schacht A (2017). Associated motivational salience impacts early sensory processing of human faces. NeuroImage 156, 466-474

Kordsmeyer T, Penke L (2017). The association of three indicators of developmental instability with mating success in humans. Evolution of Human Behavior 38(6), 704–713

Kubenova B, Konecna M, Majolo B, Smilauer P, Ostner J, Schülke O (2017). Triadic awareness predicts partner choice in male-infant-male interactions in Barbary macaques. Animal Cognition 20(2), 221-232 (post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version)

Kulke L (2017). The Effect of Stimulus Size and Eccentricity on Attention Shift Latencies. Vision 1(4), 25

Oktay-Gür N, Rakoczy H (2017). Children’s difficulty with true belief tasks: Competence deficit or performance problem? Cognition 162, 28-41

Rossi V, Vanlessen N, Bayer M, Grass A, Pourtois G, Schacht A (2017). Motivational Salience Modulates Early Visual Cortex Responses across Task Sets. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 29(6), 968-979

Schloegl C, Fischer J (2017). Causal Reasoning in Non-Human Animals. In: Waldmann MR (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Causal Reasoning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 699-716 (accepted manuscript)

Schultze T, Mojzisch A, Schulz-Hardt S (2017). On the Inability to Ignore Useless Advice. A Case for Anchoring in the Judge-Advisor System. Experimental Psychology 64, 170-183

Schwedhelm P, Baldauf D, Treue S (2017). Electrical stimulation of macaque lateral prefrontal cortex modulates oculomotor behavior indicative of a disruption of top-down attention. Scientific reports 7, 17715

Sennhenn-Reulen H, Diedhiou L, Klapproth M, Zinner D (2017). Estimation of baboon daily travel distances by means of point sampling - the magnitude of underestimation. Primate Biology 4(2), 143-151

Stephan S, Willemsen P, Gerstenberg T (2017). Marbles in inaction: Counterfactual simulation and causation by omission. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1132-1137

Storm JF, Boly M, Casali M, Massimini M, Olcese M, Pennartz CMA, Wilke M (2017). Consciousness regained: disentangling mechanisms, brain systems, and behavioral responses. Journal of Neuroscience 37(45), 10882-10893

Tramacere A, Pievani T, Ferrari PF (2017). Mirror neurons in the tree of life: mosaic evolution, pasticity and exaptation of sensorimotor matching responses. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 92(3), 1819-1841

Wanzel SK, Schultze T, Schulz-Hardt S (2017). Disentangling the effects of advisor consensus and advice proximity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 43(10), 1669-1675

Wiegmann A, Rutschmann R, Willemsen P (2017). Empirically investigating the concept of lying. In Stich S, Machery E, Knobe J (Eds.), Special issue on Experimental Philosophy. Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 34(3), 591-609; preprint:https://psyarxiv.com/r5mga

Wiegmann A, Willemsen P (2017). How the truth can make a great lie: An empirical investigation of lying by falsely implicating. In Gunzelmann G, Howes A, Tenbrink T, Davelaar EJ (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society, pp. 3516-3521

Wilming N, Kietzmann TC, Jutras M, Xue C, Treue S, Buffalo EA, König P (2017). Differential Contribution of Low- and High-level Image Content to Eye Movements in Monkeys and Humans. Cerebral Cortex 27(1), 279-293

Wilson VAD, Weiss A, Humle T, Morimura N, Udono T, Idani G, Matsuzawa T, Hirata S, Inoue-Murayama M (2017). Chimpanzee Personality and the Arginine Vasopressin Receptor 1A Genotype. Behavior Genetics 47(2), 215-226

Wurst SN, Gerlach TM, Dufner M, Rauthmann JF, Grosz MP, Küfner ACP, Denissen JJA, Back MD (2017). Narcissism and romantic relationships: The differential impact of narcissistic admiration and rivalry. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1112(2), 280-306

Xue C, Kaping D, Baloni Ray S, Krishna BS, Treue S (2017). Spatial Attention Reduces Burstiness in Macaque Visual Cortical Area MST. Cerebral Cortex 27, 83-91



Almeling L, Hammerschmidt K, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Freund AM, Fischer J (2016). Motivational Shifts in Aging Monkeys and the Orgins of Social Selectivity. Current Biology 26, 1744-1749

Grass A, Bayer M, Schacht A (2016). Electrophysiological correlates of emotional content and volume level in spoken word processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10, 326

Grossmann I, Gerlach TM, Denissen JJA (2016). Wise reasoning in the face of everyday life challenges. Social Psychological and Personality Science 7, 611-622

Hermes J, Behne T, Studte K, Zeyen AM, Grafenhain M, Rakoczy H (2016). Selective Cooperation in Early Childhood - How to Choose Models and Partners. PLoS One 11, e0160881

Hill WD, Harris SE, Haenaars SP, The neuroCHARGE Cognitive Working Group, Liewald DC, Penke L, Gale CR, Deary IJ (2016). Molecular genetic aetiology of general cognitive function is enriched in evolutionary conserved regions. Translational Psychiatry 6, e980

Kaufmann A (2016). Joint distal intentions: who shares what? In: Kiverstein J (Ed): The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of the Social Mind. Routledge. p. 343-356

Maruo Y, Schacht A, Sommer W, Masaki H (2016). Impacts of motivational valence on the error-related negativity elicited by full and partial errors. Biological Psychology 114, 108-116

Pfefferle D, Hammerschmidt K, Mundry R, Ruiz-Lambides AV, Fischer J, Widdig A (2016). Does the Structure of Female Rhesus Macaque Coo Calls Reflect Relatedness and/or Familiarity? PLoS One 11, e0161133

Schmitt V, Federspiel I, Eckert J, Keupp S, Tschernek L, Faraut L, Schuster R, Michels C, Sennhenn-Reulen H, Bugnyar T, Mussweiler T, Fischer J (2016). Do monkeys compare themselves to others? Animal Cognition 19, 417-428

Schwedhelm P, Krishna BS, Treue S (2016). An Extended Normalization Model of Attention Accounts for Feature-Based Attentional Enhancement of Both Response and Coherence Gain. PLoS Computational Biology 12(12), e1005225

Sennhenn-Reulen H, Kneib T (2016). Structured fusion lasso penalized multi-state models. Statistics in Medicine 10, 4637-4659 (accepted manuscript)

Wadewitz P, Fischer J, Hammerschmidt K, Battaglia, D, Sennhenn-Reulen H (2016). DoTC: Distribution of Typicality Coefficients. R package, v 0.2

Wetzel E, Leckelt M, Gerlach TM, Back MD (2016). Distinguishing subgroups of narcissists with latent class analysis. European Journal of Personality 30, 374-389



Pfefferle D, Ruiz-Lambides AV, Widdig A (2015). Male rhesus macaques use vocalizations to distinguish female maternal, but not paternal, kin from non-kin. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69, 1677-1686


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