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A Disorder of Agency: The Causal Attribution of Sensory Events to One’s Actions and Its Impairment in Schizophrenia

Als Kalendereintrag speichern

A key constituent of the “self” is subjective agency. Subjective agency refers to our ability to identify whether or not our movements and actions (and their sensory consequences) are caused by ourselves. Deficits of this ability do, accordingly, dissolve the border between self and non-self, as is the case in Schizophrenia patients suffering from delusions of influence (DoI). These patients do, for instance, misattribute agency for their own actions to “alien forces”. In my presentation I will first focus on an ongoing study in which we estimated intentional binding in healthy subjects vs. Schizophrenia patients. Intentional binding is considered an implicit marker for a “sense of agency”. It refers to the phenomenon that the temporal onsets of an intentional action and a sensory effect are bound together in subjective time. As was expected, Schizophrenia patients suffering from DoI lacked intentional binding. I will further demonstrate that the lack of intentional binding in patients with DoI could be explained through imprecise “forward models”: Forward models predict the sensory consequences of one’s movements, allowing one to infer whether or not a perceived movement/action is self-produced (because the sensory prediction matches the perceived movement). I will provide experimental evidence that internal forward models are specifically altered in Schizophrenia patients with DoI. Finally, I will speculate how imprecise forward models could explain (i) the lack of intentional binding in Schizophrenia patients with DoI, (ii) patients’ overreliance on reactive (rather than predictive) information, and (iii) their “disorder of agency”.


please visit also Axel Lindner's website: http://nocolab.axel-lindner.info.


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Axel Lindner (Universitätsklinikum Tübingen)

Anfahrtswege zum DPZ

Lageplan des DPZ

E - Haupteingang/Anmeldung
1 - Geschäftsführung; Abteilungen: Infektionsbiologie/-modelle, Versuchstierkunde, Primatengenetik, Verhaltensökologie und Soziobiologie, Kognitive Ethologie, Neurobiologie; Verwaltung; Bibliothek; Stabsstellen: Forschungskoordination, Kommunikation, Informationstechnologie, Betriebstechnik
2 - Materialanlieferung/Einkauf
3 - Forschungsplattform Degenerative Erkrankungen; Forschungsgruppe Soziale Evolution der Primaten
4 - Abteilung Kognitive Neurowissenschaften
5 - Tierhaltung
6 - Bildgebungszentrum; Abteilung Funktionelle Bildgebung

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Ihr Fußweg von der Bushaltestelle Kellnerweg zum DPZ-Haupteingang/zur Anmeldung:
Von der Bushaltestelle Kellnerweg (Linie 21/22 und 23) Straße überqueren, in Fahrtrichtung des Busses gehen. Am Briefkasen links in den Fußweg einbiegen und rechts halten. Am Ende des Fußwegs rechts in den Kellnerweg abbiegen. Der Haupteingang des DPZ liegt dann auf der linken Seite.

Datum und Uhrzeit 23.10.18 - 14:15 - 15:30 Anmeldung nicht notwendig

Veranstaltungsort Hörsaal, DPZ, Kellnerweg 4


Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Primatenkognition

Kontakt Christian Schloegl
Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Primatenkognition
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